Planning application has been submitted
REF: 21/00192/F
Dear Residents,
Reigate and Banstead Borough Council have now formally submitted their application for a crematorium on New Pond Farm fields, opposite Woodhatch.
Please help ensure the Council and it's planning committee make the RIGHT decision for the residents and regular users of this site, by recognising that this particular proposal is not in the best interest of residents of Woodhatch and surrounding areas.
Your community needs
Save our allotments.
Save our football pitches/informal
Save our open spaces
These are valuable local amenities that need to remain local and easily accessible, not moved elsewhere! The Need for a crematorium has not been proven, therefore very special circumstances does not apply.
The development would also result in the loss of mature hedgerows and trees, to be replaced by formal unnatural landscaping for screening purposes.
Everyone is entitled to submit objections/comments.There is still time to submit comments.
1. Comment on the online application
2. Email the planning authority with your objections - at
Be sure to quote PLANNING REF: 21/00192/F in your e-mail.
3. Post your objections to the planning authority:
Mr J Amos, Planning,
Reigate & Banstead BC,
Town Hall, Castle field Road,
Reigate, RH2 0SH
It is important to make the objection personal to you. Comment on things that mean the most to you and show the Council why you disagree with this proposal. Try to focus on key planning considerations. If the site provides a high amenity benefit to you and your family and the proposed crematorium will result in loss of such amenities please include this in your objections.
If you do not have much time a simple sentence stating why you object and ticking your reasons on the planning portal is enough. If you have more time to tailor your response and add in more objections and their impact on you, then that is even better.
Should you wish to submit objections, you may wish to consider the following:
IMPACT ON THE GREEN BELT: Inappropriate development is harmful to the green belt, the proposal does not preserve the openness of the green belt, and integrity of the green belt and is therefore by definition harmful.
LOSS OF LOCAL AMENITY: Loss of allotments, football pitches/informal recreation. Are you directly impacted and object to the loss of such amenities for the local area?
HARM TO WILDLIFE/HABITAT - SNCI /BOA: The site is within an area designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance, and also a Biodiversity Opportunity area, and as such should be maintained or enhanced without the construction of a crematorium and access roads, parking. Have you observed wildlife and/or fauna ? Are you concerned of the impact on the wildlife and/or fauna if the habitat significantly changes?
HIGHWAY SAFETY /TRAFFIC AND PARKING: Impact on local junctions already identified as under strain and awaiting significant highway improvements, Maple Road/Three Arch junction, and A217/Woodhatch Road. Impact on local schools, and safety. Should there be road improvements, or other safety measures?
DESIGN AND CHARACTER: Do you agree with the new proposed building design? The number of allocated car parking spaces? The new junction requirements proposed and impact on Earlswood Lakes?
VISUAL IMPACT: Is the proposed design and landscaping sufficient to limit visual impact, from neighbouring properties, and the lakes?
HEALTH FEARS: increased CO2 and other harmful substances and their potential impact on health. The council states they are 'considering' an electric cremator is 'considering' sufficient? Concerns regarding children going to and from school and impact on their health?
PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY/PERMISSIVE PATHS: Are the PROWs and permissive paths acceptable? Should there be additional or different PROW offered? Will the current access enjoyed be significantly curtailed /prevented as a result?
The above are suggestions only and provided as a guide only, please make your objections personal to you.